Input Image

ErrorCode Trueface::SDK::setImage(std::string imageFile)

Set the image that is processed by the other methods.


error code, see ErrorCode. Note, it is highly encouraged to check the return value from setImage before proceeding. If the license is invalid, the INVALID_LICENSE error will be returned.


setImage(uint8_t* image, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, ColorCode color)

  • imageFile: the path of a JPEG or PNG file.

ErrorCode Trueface::SDK::setImage(uint8_t *image, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, ColorCode color)

Set the image that is processed by the other methods.


error code, see ErrorCode. Note, it is highly encouraged to check the return value from setImage before proceeding. If the license is invalid, the INVALID_LICENSE error will be returned.


setImage(std::string imageFile)

  • image: an 8-bit image array.

  • width: the image width.

  • height: the image height.

  • color: the image color model, see ColorCode.

enum Trueface::ColorCode

Image color formats


enumerator bgr
enumerator rgb
enumerator bgra
enumerator rgba
enumerator gray
enumerator yuv_i420
enumerator yuv_nv12