Trueface SDK Reference

Downloads - Stable Release

Version 0.7.3005

x86-64 C++

sha256: a87a0a349e...
sha256: 4bdb52be90...
sha256: eca4b15353...

x86-64 Python bindings

Python bindings Documentation
Python bindings documentation can be found here
sha256: 332ea77cba...
sha256: e960725747...
sha256: fd8d3402fc...
sha256: 7a45620149...
sha256: 50fb12af09...


sha256: 210810093a...



sha256: 15035938f6...
sha256: b7dd64e7e5...

For embedded devices with limited disk space, use the following libraries which have the full model disabled to reduce binary size.

sha256: 108cc5ee1d...
sha256: b5f8cc8e8d...

Sample Apps

Sample Apps which demonstrate full working applications.

Getting Started

Start by downloading the correct version of the SDK. Next, the SDK must be initialized. Refer to the general section for the various configuration options.