Face Detection ============================== .. doxygenclass:: Trueface::Facechip .. doxygenfunction:: Trueface::Facechip::Facechip() = default; .. doxygenfunction:: Trueface::Facechip::saveImage .. doxygenfunction:: Trueface::Facechip::loadImage .. doxygenfunction:: Trueface::Facechip::getHeight .. doxygenfunction:: Trueface::Facechip::getWidth .. doxygenfunction:: Trueface::Facechip::isGPUImage .. doxygenfunction:: Trueface::Facechip::getData .. doxygentypedef:: Trueface::TFFacechip .. doxygenfunction:: Trueface::SDK::detectFaces The effect of face height on similarity score: .. image:: ../../shared/images/face_height_match_score_FULL_model.png :width: 300pt .. image:: ../../shared/images/face_height_match_score_LITE_model.png :width: 300pt .. doxygenfunction:: Trueface::SDK::detectLargestFace .. doxygenfunction:: Trueface::SDK::getFaceLandmarks The order of the face landmarks: .. image:: ../../shared/images/landmarks.png :width: 300pt .. doxygenfunction:: Trueface::SDK::extractAlignedFace .. doxygenfunction:: Trueface::SDK::estimateHeadOrientation The accuracy of this method is estimated using 1920x1080 pixel test images. A test image: .. image:: ../../shared/images/yaw_positive_20.jpg :width: 300pt The accuracy of the head orientation estimation: .. image:: ../../shared/images/yaw_estimation_accuracy.png :width: 300pt The effect of the face yaw angle on match similarity can be seen in the following figure: .. image:: ../../shared/images/yaw_vs_sim_score.png :width: 300pt The effect of the face pitch angle on match similarity can be seen in the following figure: .. image:: ../../shared/images/pitch_vs_sim_score.png :width: 300pt .. doxygenstruct:: Trueface::Point :members: .. doxygenstruct:: Trueface::FaceBoxAndLandmarks :members: The order of the face landmarks: .. image:: ../../shared/images/landmarks2.jpg :width: 300pt .. doxygentypedef:: Trueface::Landmarks