Welcome to Trueface’s documentation!

trueface.access_control access control integrations and related utilities
trueface.face_attributes module to handle face attributes like emotion
trueface.heartbeat Heartbeat detector
trueface.helper helper methods
trueface.motion Motion Detector module
trueface.recognition Recognition Module
trueface.searching Search Module
trueface.spoof Spoof detection module
trueface.tracking Tracking module
trueface.utils utility methods
trueface.video Video module

access control integrations and related utilities

class trueface.access_control.Kisi(email=None, password=None)

Kisi Door Control


retrieves a list of your locks or info about a single lock


obtains an authorization token

signin(email, password)

obtains an authorization token


unlocks a Kisi door

class trueface.access_control.Lockitron

Lockitron Lock Control

class trueface.db.Collection(**kwargs)

A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.

Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in kwargs.

Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.

class trueface.db.DBService(host='mysql://root@', port=3306, db_name='trueface_tests')

DBService class

DBService class

  • host (str) – hostname where DB (mysql) runs
  • port (int) – port of the DB, default: 3306
  • db_name (str) – db name to use

String that represents the features, hex-encoded or not

delete_from_collection(collection_name, label)

Remove a label and the corresponding feature from a collection

  • collection_name (str) – table name of an existing collection
  • labels (list) – list of labels to remove


class trueface.db.Detection(**kwargs)

A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.

Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in kwargs.

Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.

class trueface.db.Frame(**kwargs)

A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.

Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in kwargs.

Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.

class trueface.db.Video(**kwargs)

A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.

Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in kwargs.

Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.

class trueface.db.VideoPart(**kwargs)

A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.

Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in kwargs.

Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.

module to handle face attributes like emotion

class trueface.face_attributes.FaceAttributes(model, params, labels)

Face attributes class

init emotion class


gets emotion for a face

Heartbeat detector

class trueface.heartbeat.HeartbeatDetector(buffer_size=250)

Heartbeat detector class

helper methods

adjust the input from (h, w, c) to ( 1, c, h, w) for network input
in_data: numpy array of shape (h, w, c)
input data
out_data: numpy array of shape (1, c, h, w)
reshaped array
trueface.helper.detect_first_stage(img, net, scale, threshold)
run PNet for first stage
img: numpy array, bgr order
input image
scale: float number
how much should the input image scale
net: PNet
total_boxes : bboxes
trueface.helper.generate_bbox(map, reg, scale, threshold)

generate bbox from feature map

map: numpy array , n x m x 1
detect score for each position
reg: numpy array , n x m x 4
scale: float number
scale of this detection
threshold: float number
detect threshold
bbox array
trueface.helper.nms(boxes, overlap_threshold, mode='Union')

non max suppression

box: numpy array n x 5
input bbox array
overlap_threshold: float number
threshold of overlap
mode: float number
how to compute overlap ratio, ‘Union’ or ‘Min’
index array of the selected bbox

Motion Detector module

class trueface.motion.MotionDetector(frame, threshold=2, max_value=2)

MotionDetector class

Recognition Module

class trueface.recognition.BaseRecognizer(license, ctx='cpu', gpu=0)

BaseRecognizer class

batch_make_mx_input(images, dims=(512, 512))

Prepare list of images for MXNet input :param images: :param dims:

Returns:list with mx.nd.array elements
batch_preprocess_image(images, dims=(512, 512))

Takes a list of images, preprocesses them (resize and BGR2RGB

  • images
  • dims

list of preprocessed images

blur_region(region, frame)

blurs a region in the image

  • region – (leftx, topy, rightx, bottomy)
  • frame
cosine_sim(feature, collection_features, length=512)

Cosine Similarity with mxnet

  • feature – the source feature
  • collection_features – a list of features
  • length
draw_box(img, box)

draws a box on the image

  • img (str or binary) – image path, base64 encoded image, numpy array or OpenCV image
  • box – (pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4)
  • pt1 – (x coordinate of vertex, y coordinate of vertex)
  • pt2 – (x coordinate of point opposite vertex, y coordinate of vertex)
draw_label(image, point, label, font=0, font_scale=0.5, thickness=1)

Draw label on the image

  • img (str or binary) – image path, base64 encoded image, numpy array or OpenCV image
  • point (tuple) – (x_label, y_label)
  • label (str) – The label you want to write
  • font (int) – your preferred font
  • font_scale (float) – scaling factor for the font
  • thickness (int) – thickness of text
get_image(_bin, rgb=True)

gets an image from a path or from base64 string

  • _bin (str) – filesystem path or base64 string
  • rgb (bool) – whether to perform BGR2RGB conversion

a pre-handled image ready for further processing

get_string_from_cv2(image, encode=False)

Gets a string from a cv2 image

  • image
  • encode

string representation of image


Create OpenCV blob from an image

make_mx_input(image, dims=(512, 512))

prepare image for MXNet input

  • image
  • dims


preprocess_image(image, dims=(512, 512))

resize image to dims and perform a BGR2RGB conversion

  • image (opencv image) – Image
  • dims – Dimensions


class trueface.recognition.ColorRecognizer(n_clusters=10)

Color Recognizer class


grab the number of different clusters and create a histogram based on the number of pixels assigned to each cluster

Return type:histogram

detect colors present in image :param img: the input image

Returns:list of colors along with percentages
class trueface.recognition.FaceRecognizer(ctx='cpu', min_face=40, accurate_landmark=False, fd_model_path=None, fr_model_path=None, params_path=None, license=None, gpu=0)

TF Local Face Detector

static average_features(features_lists)
return the mean of all features in the list
This allows us to directly input a list of tracked objects where some of them will have a list of features and some will not
Parameters:features_lists – list of features lists or None


batch_get_features(image_array, batch_size=24, progress_bar=True)
returns face features for a list of images
this function does not perform any face detection but feeds the provided image directly to the model for batch feature extraction
  • image_array (list) –
  • batch_size (int) –
  • progress_bar (bool) –
batch_identify(chips, collection='collection.npz', features=None, labels=None, threshold=0.25, return_features=False, length=512)

identify a batch of face chips by comparing it to a collection npz file

  • chips (list) – a list of face chips. (opencv images or numpy arrays)
  • collection (str) – path to a collection npz file
  • threshold (float) – similarity threshold over which to call it a match
  • return_features (bool) – whether to return the features
  • labels (list) – list of labels
  • features (list) – list of corresponding features, this gets overloaded if you pass a collection

List of dictionaries with predicted_label and confidence as well as features if the return_features param was set to True

create_collection(folder=None, output=None, images=None, labels=None, return_features=False, batch_size=8, db=False, mp=False)

creates a collection from a folder :param folder: path to folder holding images :type folder: str :param images: alternatively, you can pass a list of images :type images: list :param labels: labels corresponding to the images list.

You will have to pass both images and labels or neither
  • output (str) – location for the generated npz collection file or the db name if a DBService object is being passed as the db parameter If this is None, the folder parameter will be used
  • db (DBService) – DBService object that connects to a database
  • return_features (bool) – whether to return the extracted features
  • batch_size (int) – size of the batch to break the passed list into for processing
create_collection_directory(folder, batch_size, mp)
delete_from_collection(collection_filename, labels)

delete a label and the corresponding feature from a collection

  • collection_filename (str) – Path to an existing collection npz file
  • labels (list) – list of labels to remove

updated collection

find_biggest_face(img, return_chips=False, chip_size=112, padding=0.2, return_binary=False)

finds the biggest face in the image

  • img (image path, base64 encoded image, numpy array or OpenCV image) – image
  • return_chips (bool) –
  • chip_size (int) – size of face chip
  • padding (float) –
  • return_binary (bool) –

the detected box, points and chips if the return_binary param was set to True, or a json dict with the above data otherwise. The chip is only returned if the return_chips param was set to True

find_faces(img, return_chips=False, chip_size=112, padding=0.2, return_binary=False)

finds all faces and returns chips

  • img (image path, base64 encoded image, numpy array or OpenCV image) – image
  • return_chips (bool) –
  • chip_size (int) – size of face chip
  • padding (float) –
  • return_binary (bool) –

the detected box, points and chips if the return_binary param was set to True, or a json dict with the above data otherwise. The chip is only returned if the return_chips param was set to True

get_features(img, b64=False)

features of the biggest face found in the provided image

  • img (image path, base64 encoded image, numpy array or OpenCV image) – image
  • b64 (bool) – whether to return embedding b64 encoded
get_match(score, threshold, use_sim)

Return true or false related to score and threshold

  • score
  • threshold
  • use_sim – return true if score >= threshold, if use_sim is false, return true if score <= threshold


Return type:


identify(chip, collection=None, threshold=0.25, return_features=False, labels=None, features=None, length=512, db=False)

identify a face chip by comparing it to a collection npz file :param chip: face chip (padded image array) :type chip: opencv image or numpy array :param collection: path to a collection npz file :type collection: str :param features: list of features, this gets overloaded if you pass a collection :type features: list :param threshold: similarity threshold over which to call it a match :type threshold: float :param return_features: whether to return the features :type return_features: bool :param labels: whether to return the label :type labels: bool :param db: pass a DBService object if you want to use the DB backend to manage your collection :type db: DBService

Returns:A dictionary with predicted_label and confidence as well as features if the return_features param was set to True
returns face features for an image
this function does not perform any face detection but feeds the provided image directly to the model for feature extraction
Parameters:img (opencv image or numpy array) –
Returns:feature found in image
match_two_features(source, target, use_sim=False, threshold=1.5)

Match two features

  • source – base64 encoded source feature
  • target – base64 encoded source feature
  • use_sim – if use_sim = True, we recommend a threshold of 0.25
  • threshold
match_two_images(source, target, use_sim=False, threshold=1.5)

matches two images

  • source (path, base64, binary, OpenCV or nympy image) – source image to match
  • target (path, base64, binary, OpenCV or nympy image) – target image to match
  • use_sim (bool) – if use_sim = True, we recommend a threshold of 0.25
  • threshold (float) –

Load an image collection from disk using all available CPUs :param folder: path to collection folder :type folder: str

Returns:list of extracted features labels (list): list of corresponding labels
Return type:features (list)

Load an image collection from disk in sequence on one CPU

Parameters:folder (str) – path to collection folder
Returns:list of extracted features labels (list): list of corresponding labels
Return type:features (list)
update_collection(input_folder, collection_filename=None, return_features=False)
  • input_folder (str) – Path to a folder with updated images
  • collection_filename (str) – Path to an existing collection npz file
  • return_features (bool) – Whether to return features from input_folder

json response with the path to the updated collection filename

class trueface.recognition.ObjectRecognizer(ctx='cpu', model_path=None, params_path=None, license=None, method='ssd', conf_threshold=0.5, nms_threshold=0.4, dims=(None, None))

TF Local Object Detector

  • ctx – ‘cpu’ or ‘gpu’
  • model_path – path to model
  • params_path – path to params file
  • license – your license token
  • method – ‘ssd’ or ‘yolo’
  • conf_threshold – set the conf_threshold
  • nms_threshold – set the nms_threshold
  • dims
detect(input, dims=None)

Detect object

  • input
  • dims

list of results

non_max_suppression(boxes, confidences)

Remove the bounding boxes with low confidence using non-max suppression

  • boxes – list of boxes
  • confidences – list of corresponding confidence scores


postprocess_mx_output(outs, conf_threshold, nms_threshold=None, dims=None)

Scan through all the bounding boxes output from the network and keep only the ones with high confidence scores. Assign the box’s class label as the class with the highest score.

  • outs – list of outs
  • conf_threshold – confidence threshold
  • nms_threshold – NMS threshold
  • dims – dimensions

Returns: filtered results

trueface.recognition.response(message, data)

return a json object

  • message
  • data

a json object containing a message and a data field

Search Module

class trueface.searching.VideoSearch(index='index.npy', video='video.avi', output=None, out_filename='results.avi', save_photos=False, random_name_len=5, recognizer=None, similarity_threshold=0.25)

VideoSearch class

Spoof detection module

class trueface.spoof.SpoofDetector(model_path, params_path, token, ctx='cpu')

The spoof detector class

  • model_path – filesystem path to model
  • params_path – filesystem path to params
  • token – your token from creds.json
  • ctx – the mxnet context, “cpu” or “gpu”
is_spoof(image, threshold)

Returns true or false wheter image is a spoof based on threshold

  • image (numpy array or str) – if image is a string it will be read as a filepath
  • threshold (float) – threshold between 0 and 1 below which we call it a spoof

true or false whether this is a spoof image

Return type:



Returns probability that image passed is a spoof

Parameters:image (numpy array or str) – if image is a string it will be read as a filepath
Returns:Probability this is a spoof from 0 to 1
Return type:float

Tracking module

class trueface.tracking.BaseTracker(threshold=10.0, min_feats=1, track_movements=0, max_steps=20)

BaseTracker class


clean tracked objects


draw motion tracks on frame

find_tracked_object(bbox, image)

Abstract method


remove unknown identities

track(object_to_track, image, identity, chip=None, related_object=None)

Abstract method

update(bboxes, chips, frame, features=None)

Abstract method

class trueface.tracking.COObjectTracker(threshold, min_feats=1, track_movements=0, max_steps=20)
find_tracked_object(obj, frame)

Matches passed obj to a tracked obj

track(object_to_track, image, identity, chip=None, features=None, related_object=None)

Initiates the tracking of a obj

update(bboxes, frame, chips=None, features=[])

update trackers

class trueface.tracking.CVObjectTracker(threshold, min_feats=1, track_movements=0, max_steps=20, tracker_type='KCF')
find_tracked_object(obj, frame)

Matches passed obj to a tracked obj

track(object_to_track, image, identity, chip=None, features=None, related_object=None)

track object

update(bboxes, chips, frame, features=[])

Abstract method

utility methods

class trueface.utils.RedisQueue(name, namespace='queue', **redis_kwargs)

Simple Queue with Redis Backend

The default connection parameters are: host=’localhost’, port=6379, db=0


Return True if the queue is empty, False otherwise.

get(block=True, timeout=None)

Remove and return an item from the queue.

If optional args block is true and timeout is None (the default), block if necessary until an item is available.


Equivalent to get(False).


Put item into the queue.


Return the approximate size of the queue.

Video module

class trueface.video.QVideoStream(src=0, queue_size=128)

QVideoStream class

initialize the file video stream along with the boolean used to indicate if the thread should be stopped or not

  • src
  • queue_size

start a thread to read frames from the file video stream :return: QVideoStream object


read and update the video stream

Returns: loops infinitely

Indices and tables